New Hope Veterinary Hospital

Veterinary Diagnostics & Laboratory in Gaston County, NC

Our doctors and staff are here for your pet when they aren’t feeling their best. Our facility is equipped with in-house laboratory, digital radigraphy, ultrasound, endoscopy and more to help us quickly and accurately diagnose a wide variety of issues that your pet may be suffering from.

Laboratory Services

Our in-house laboratory offers the ability to perform advanced medical testing so we can diagnose patients in a timely manner. This is especially helpful when dealing with injury or illness, as well as for routine blood work and fecal testing during wellness exams. 

The test results from our in-house laboratory provide us with the ability to keep a consistent record of your pet’s baseline health and growth. From this information, we are often able to detect diseases and illnesses when they arise.

Examples of In-House Laboratory Tests:

  • Complete Blood Count: Evaluates the overall health of your pet by measuring levels of red and white blood cells. 
  • Blood Chemistry Panel: A combination of various tests to assess the functions of vital organs including the liver, kidneys, and pancreas.
  • Electrolyte Panel: Measures the levels of sodium, potassium, and chloride to see if there are any chemical imbalances in the body.
  • Thyroid Testing: Checks the function of the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism. *We do not have this as an in-house test at this time.
  • Urinalysis: Assesses kidney function, and can also detect infections, crystal formation, or diabetes.
  • Fecal Test: Looks for intestinal parasites excreted in the feces of your pet. Please remember to bring a fresh stool sample for every wellness visit. We typically send these tests to an external laboratory for the centrifugation method.

Pet X-Rays

Here at New Hope Veterinary Hospital, we are proud to offer digital x-ray technology to diagnose problems and treat our patients quickly. Radiology is especially important as it allows our medical team to non-invasively examine the lungs, heart, kidney, and skeletal system for abnormalities. Additionally, our x-rays are sent to a board-certified veterinary radiologist for evaluation.

The x-ray is used to diagnose a number of different conditions, including bone fractures, tumors, structural abnormalities, and foreign objects. It should also be noted that only a small, harmless amount of radiation is emitted during the process.

In addition, digital radiology allows for better accuracy, higher resolution, and is overall more efficient than film x-rays. This allows our team to serve clients and patients efficiently by allowing us to diagnose a problem, quickly take steps to treat it, and easily share and store digital images across the veterinary team.

Cardiac & Abdominal Ultrasound

Here at New Hope Veterinary Hospital we offer the option of having a Board Certified Radiologist come to our clinic to examine your pet, or referring your pet to area specialists.

Cardiac and abdominal ultrasound technology is used to get a better view of the internal organs of your pet. The ultrasound uses harmless sound waves that “echo” through the body to produce real-time images on a monitor. The images can give our doctors a better understanding of your pet’s bodily functions and will show any abnormalities that may occur.

Such abnormalities that our medical team may find include abdominal masses, foreign objects, certain forms of cancer, heart and lung abnormalities, and pregnancy. Your pet is gently placed on their side for the procedure and a conductive gel is applied to their abdomen as a probe glides across. This method is completely non-invasive, though some pets may need to be shaved in a small area to optimize visibility.

Ultrasound usually lasts no more than an hour and anesthesia is not generally needed. Our staff is highly trained in making sure that pets feel comfortable, and we work to create a stress-free environment that is calming for your pet. Some pets may require anesthesia due to severe anxiety if traditional calming techniques are unsuccessful.

In addition to ultrasound imaging, we may also recommend that your pet have x-ray imaging performed right here at our facility. Together, these results can give us a holistic view of your pet’s overall health.

Allergy & Dermatology Testing

Allergies and dermatitis can cause serious problems and discomfort for pets. Dermatitis is a broad term used to describe numerous issues related to the skin. There are many agents that can trigger dermatitis, such as infection, allergens, disease, and environmental factors. The likelihood of your pet having dermatitis is largely based on genetic predisposition. 

Allergens are everywhere and there is no way to avoid them completely. The most common allergens for pets include pollen, grasses, flowers, grains, household cleaning products, and perfumes. When dermatitis is left untreated, it can lead to physical pain in your pet and even cause mental distress. With the help of our medical team, we can work with you to ensure your pet is safe from skin problems.

Some common signs that your pet may have dermatitis are listed below. Should your pet appear to be experiencing any one of these symptoms at any time, we highly recommend that you call us to schedule an appointment.

  • Inflamed or itchy skin
  • Excessive licking, shedding, biting or itching
  • Bumps or lumps on the skin
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea
  • Watery eyes
  • Appears to be in mental distress or has anxiety

If your pet experiences any of these symptoms, please schedule an appointment right away. We begin the appointment with a physical examination and visually assess the skin, coat, and nails. We will also discuss the physical symptoms you have observed in your pet, as well as any behavioral changes. 

The second step is to run diagnostic tests with our in-house laboratory. This could include a blood sample, skin scraping, or allergy testing. Using the results of the testing, we will have an understanding of your pet’s condition and will discuss treatment options with you. 

Finally, some pets may require an evaluation with a Board Certified Veterinary Dermatologist. We will facilitate a referral to those specialists. 

Join the New Hope Veterinary Hospital Family Today!

Phone: 704-874-1802

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Open 8am-12pm every other Saturday then going to every Saturday in July.