New Hope Veterinary Hospital

Veterinary Pet Surgery in Gaston County, NC

At New Hope Veterinary Hospital, our experienced team is able to perform a variety of minor surgeries, including neuters, mass removals, bite wound repairs, and abscess care.

Spay/Neuter Procedure

There are certain services that we recommend for all of our patients, and the spay or neuter procedure is one of them. Spaying is for female pets; neutering is for male pets. Both procedures involve the surgical removal of the reproductive organs.

Our team strictly adheres to established surgical protocols and procedures, which allow patients to have a comfortable and safe spay or neuter surgery with the desired outcome:

  • Pre-surgical blood panel
  • Advanced surgical equipment
  • Proper dosage of medications
  • IV Fluids
  • Continuous monitoring of vitals during anesthesia
  • Pre-, peri- and post-operative pain management

In instances of responsible breeding, unique medical circumstances, and for pets 7 years or older, we may not recommend a spay or neuter and will discuss other methods with you to prevent unwanted reproduction. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to schedule your pet’s spay or neuter procedure, please feel free to talk to one of our veterinarians or give us a call! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why should I spay or neuter my pet?

A: The spay or neuter procedure has many benefits for both you and your pet, such as:

  • Most pets will have an overall increased quality of life and longer lifespan.
  • The procedure can prevent certain unwanted behaviors in pets.
  • Spaying and neutering prevents overpopulation of animal shelters, and encourages more pets to be adopted and saved. 

Q: Are there health and behavioral benefits of the spay or neuter procedure?

A: Yes. Spaying or neutering will eliminate any chance of your pet contracting certain life-threatening diseases, makes your pets behave better, and stops unwanted litters.

For female pets, the spay procedure will:

  • End heat cycles
  • Prevent urinary and mammary issues and certain cancers
  • Prevent unwanted litters
  • Resolve unwanted behaviors such as aggression, urine marking, howling, and the urge to roam
  • Eliminate the risk of uterine infections, also known as pyometra (a life threatening condition which usually requires emergency surgery).

For male pets, the neuter procedure will:

  • Prevent unwanted litters
  • Resolve unwanted behaviors such as aggression, urine marking, howling, and the urge to roam
  • Prevent prostate disease and certain forms of cancer

General & Advanced Surgery

Mass Removal: for pets who may have a cyst, hernia, or cancerous or benign tumor. Once one of our veterinarians has properly identified the abnormal mass, we can begin treatment. Even if the tumor is found to be benign, we still recommend that it be removed as it can become cancerous over time. This procedure is typically the safest option when dealing with masses on the body.

Soft tissue surgery : used to treat medical issues involving gastrointestinal, cardiothoracic, or respiratory problems, as well as disorders with the ears, nose, and throat.

Surgical Oncology: a means of treating pets living with certain types of cancer. The objective of this procedure is to surgically remove all cancer from the body and prevent it from spreading. From this procedure, we hope to improve the overall quality of life for your pet.

Gastrointestinal Procedures: recommended for pets who experience pain and bloating with digestion. Common signs that a pet has a serious gastrointestinal complication or condition are chronic vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, loss of appetite, or if they appear to be in pain while passing stool.

Foreign Body Removal: Refers to removal of foreign objects, typically from a pet’s digestive system. This is most common in dogs, but this can happen to cats as well. This is not as uncommon as one may think, as some dogs tend to eat anything they can. This can be life-threatening in some cases, so if you know or suspect that your pet has swallowed a foreign object, please contact us for help immediately.

C-Section Surgery: recommended for some pregnant pets delivering litters. Most pets will not need this procedure when giving birth depending on their hip size, weight, body shape, and overall health condition. One of our veterinarians will be able to determine if your pet needs a C-section.

Alternative Therapies

We refer to our sister locations for the following therapies:

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a vital tool for pain reduction, physical mobility, and speeding up the healing process. It works by emitting low-level lasers, which stimulate and enhance cell function. When the cells regenerate, it allows for an increase in blood flow and better responses from the circulatory system.

During this non-invasive procedure, a beam of light is directed onto the affected area several minutes. Pets will feel a pleasant warming sensation and almost never experience discomfort during the session.

Typically laser therapy is done for older dogs and cats with arthritis, but there are several other conditions where laser therapy can be beneficial:

  • Inflammation
  • Wounds
  • Post-surgical pain
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • ACL tears
  • Tooth pain

Sometimes only one session is needed, but we may recommend several in certain cases. Most of our clients see improvement in their pets after the first session.

Join the New Hope Veterinary Hospital Family Today!

Phone: 704-874-1802

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Open 8am-12pm every other Saturday then going to every Saturday in July.